Rhema Wellness Certifications
There's never been a greater time for the body of Christ to rise up and heal the world with the love of Jesus! Are you ready to heal yourself, heal the church, and heal God's people around the globe?
We're glad you're here.
We're glad you're here.
Become a Certified Rhema Teacher (R-RYM)
Becoming a Rhema Yoga Mystic (R-RYM) is an exciting, fun journey! We will equip you to understand spiritual energy all around us, from God. What's more, we'll talk about how that energy can be used with the Lord of Heaven to heal yourself and others for the Kingdom!
100 Hour CertificationOur 100 hour certification introduces you the wide, powerful world of spiritual energy that has always existed, all around us. Learn about healing yourself, healing others, and getting closer to the Lord.
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Advanced CertificationsUpon completion of the 100 hour course, advanced certification classes become available that will take your understanding and your master of energy cultivation to the next level. Use how to energy to heal yourself, and others, with Jesus.
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